Client Case Studies
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Golf Business Advisors has had excellent success analyzing existing municipal golf courses, their infrastructure, financial history, and recommending to the city's administrators and leaders how to improve their golf operations as a better community amenity for its citizens.
Following Hurricane Isabel in 2003, the Lee Park Municipal golf course closed due to severe damage. In the Spring of 2007, the City of Petersburg embarked on a major renovation of the course which re-opened one year later as the Dogwood Trace Golf Course.
Golf Business Advisors was involved with the project from its initial stages. To begin, GBA performed a feasibility study to determine the economic viability of the golf course based an area demographic indicators, competition, local and regional supply and demand and 10-year pro formas.
From there, GBA provided course improvement options to the city based on extent of improvement, associated costs and estimated return. Upon selection of the improvement option, GBA assisted the city in soliciting golf course architect bids and interviews, contractor bids, clubhouse architect bids, and golf course maintenance bids. GBA developed and monitored construction budgets to ensure the project stayed on track. GBA also spearheaded the RFP process for FF&E, cart leases, and the food and beverage concession.
GBA helped the city determine the best management approach relative to self-management, management company or leasing of the course. Upon deciding to self-manage, GBA conducted an executive search for the General Manager/PGA Professional. In addition, GBA led the process for an RFP for course maintenance company to grow-in and maintain the course and that has worked out extremely well.
As the course approached opening, Golf Business Advisors developed a complete sales and marketing plan targeted at annual pass sales, local golfers and tourist golfers and developed programming for junior and grass roots golf development.
To date, the course has seen tremendous success in its few months of operation and is positioned for continued success in the marketplace.