Client Case Studies
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James River Country Club (Newport News, Virginia) hired Golf Business Advisors to conduct a search for a Director of Golf that would help "take the club to the next level." After completing a comprehensive search (including contacting Jeremy Franks at Chevy Chase Club, ), orchestrating 35 candidates, making phone calls and attending Committee meetings, GBA helped the Club’s Selection Committee select Jeremy as their new PGA Director of Golf. It has been over seven years since Jeremy joined the James River staff and he has been a perfect fit and is indeed guiding their golf program to the “next level” they so desired.
In the Spring of 2018, James River Country Club re-hired GBA to guide their search for a new General Manager to lead the management team for the future. After receiving and vetting 35 resumes, Conrad Lickel was retained as the new James River General Manager and he has proven to be an excellent General Manager and is indeed leading the Club’s future.